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Divide et vinces, divide et impera.



Ave profanatio, emancipation of pride
Ave Profanatio  until the last one dies
Ave Profanatio, winds of betrayal blow..
Dark times approaching by the invocation of war


Behold your Tormentor 
Horrific machination of death
Cesar´s Philosophy proclaimed
Disunion as victory


Fragments of the extinction

Servants of the Gods bring supremacy of the war
Golden Chariots and infantry trampling civilization
Black banners waving with the Desert Storms
Gleaming Helmets adorn spears of destiny 


Subjugation to Stele of the Vultures
Raising totalitarian domain
Since ancient times Sumeria dictates 
The inexorable and fatal destiny of the humanity



The shining of Plateau


Containing the Persian advance for six eternal days
Leonidas fell in battle and the enemy keeps crushing
Pausanias was called to war, does not hesitate to fight
Captaining a contingent at the foot of the Mountain
The rays of the sun bring Death...

One hundred thousand warriors preparing furious

to fight
Forty-five thousand Spartans positioned to the right
A wall of spears and shields advancing in Phalanx
Under the glow of bronze all brave opponent will die


The rain of arrows brought the night
To finally die against the impenetrable shields
Moving in block downhill, Hoplite race towards victory 
A stone.. a prophecy.. Oracle of Delphos.. a written history..


The siege of Antioquia



Ancient sacred altars 
Reduced to ashes and scum
Great impenetrable walls 
Tinted with the blood of the fallen


In Delirium, pest and famine 
Crowned by harsh winter
Turks devoured by victorious troops
Dodging  Death
Feed the black legend of the Siege

Damnatio memoriae

Glorious battles of the past
In the name of the ancient ones
Guided by the kings to seek our Path
Invoking the mighty Gods of war


Fierce and noble warriors
With firmness and conviction gave their lives 
Iron, courage, honor and blood
There's no victory without sacrifice.


Expanding with discipline 
The most deeply values 
A ruling Dynasty
Rooted on the Fatherland


Banished Gods
Forgotten Idols of Flesh
Forbidden and buried in time
Damnatio Memoriae 





Regulus Oretani 

War for Helix against the Carthaginian
Surrounding villages came to battlefield 

Regulus Orisson commands a strong offensive
Fury unleashed in a brutal stampede

Fast enraged Bulls with torches on the Horns
Leading the contingent towards triumph

Amilcar-Barca ran like a coward
Fallen in battle dyeing the Guadiana 
With blood for all eternity



Riding Storms of Desecration



Axis expansion, drum rolls explode
Lethal invasion, Afrika korps
The best defense in Gazala and Tobruk
The good offense over Marsa Matruth


Under the sun Panzer advance
El Alamein trembling in total collapse
Whistling bullets, Roman Psychoterror
Stuka sirens spreading inferno




Corvus Corax fornication



Evil spiritual transmutation
Scavengers battalion
Sons of Thunder and Netón
Ancient Paths of Revelation
Rising in darkness
Celtic soldiers become Crows 


Fire entity invocation
Spirit of Boudica
Feed the strength of the warrior
Spreading wings in ascension
Flying towards darkness
Celtic soldiers become Crows 




Casus belli

The Eagle on the banner waving in the wind
The strength of conviction fighting for the Homeland
Without fear and compunction, to die for our nation
Take us to eternity with the discourse of force


The response to the threat will be our battle
We will parade solemnly and without fear

Towards the front
Death is not my fear, kill is my intention
I will die with honor fighting against any storm




Six-Goat-deep phalanx

Standing shoulder to shoulder.
In files several ranks deep.
First line into battle keeping position strongly 
Carrying large and rectangular Shields.


Blood offering, no atonement.
Spears and banners violate the opponent
The symbol of pride, eternal warlords
Enemy formation trembling before torment ..


Fostering cohesion .
Among the advancing troops.
Wielding heavy pikes.
Battle axes willing to behead.
Frightening vision to the enemy. 



Flight of the Condor Legion



Glowing mid-day sun
Leaving the horizon behind
In combat spread formation
Furious and ready to attack


Dornier at Vanguard 
Of the intervention force 
il Gobbo maledetto 
Unleashing the Inferno
From his pestilent womb
Destroying the escape bridge...


Besieging the opponent
With treachery and contempt
Tons of ammunition 
Piercing the rebel bodies


Execution of a merciless sentence 
Intensified at sunset
Guernica dies under carpet bombing




Bring the Gods Dawn again

Ten thousand warriors across the Path of Horus, 
Proud Mesha on the way to the Fortress Tharu
Gaza and Yemen with the Dunes left behind 
The great conqueror, under Tutmosis command. 


Across the narrow canyon towards Aruna, 
Walking in a row the forgotten path 
The gold of courage, honour and pride
Armed to the teeth and ready to crush


Fury, flesh and blood
Will be engraved in stone 
For all eternity


At the Gates of Megido, you must be brave 
At the Gates of Megido, bring the Gods Dawn again 






Ad finem omnia

Banners and shields, the glow of spears and swords
Catapults and trenches, courage and honor
Ancient lands, lineage defended with your life
Flags of our parents raised in the name of war


Ad finem omnia

Culture and homeland, honorable values to defend
Crime and punishment, freedom under death
Mud in my boots, enemy blood on my hands
Parade at dawn walking towards eternity


Ad finem omnia

Shadows watching over the thrones of the past
Mirages of great battles owners of my mind
In the loneliness of darkness hugging the vacuum
I am that warrior who gave

Everything for the fatherland


Ad finem omnia

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